Monday, 22 October 2012

Fear Vs Faith

Hey guys.... i know it's been a while but PRAISE God with me because i've been down the pit but through his grace i was able to bounce back up..Moving on....swiftly...slowly... OK!!!

Having faith is optional and also ones personal choice. I'm saying this because i've been there, had i not been? i wouldn't have this testimony to share. you see God really doesnt put us through things we cannot handle. if we just ask, he can give us the strength to handle any situation.
Until i got myself together and trust me, it does take alot of time. we must have faith because God needs us to have faith.. My God!!! imagine that??? Dont you feel good? we always need something from God but this time, he needs and wants something in return from us. Thats a really great feeling.
My faith has brought me into pleasing my heavingly father in heaven, i bet you didnt know that not having faith in God was hurting him and also breaking his heart. Did you know that worrying is the lack of trsut in the CREATOR of the universe???

Sometimes we allow the enemy to convince us that our temporary condition are reflections of our eternal position in God but this is a LIE. jesus warned us in the book of John chapter 10 verse 10 about the thief that cometh to steal and take joy... Do not be a victim. instead be a Victor. like Job did, lets Decree a thing or two and it will be established for us (Job 22:28).

I know you might not want to hear this, and expect me to have some sort of secret to overcome your fear or to make it disappear but, as long as we keep growing in christ? fear never completely disappear. Anytime we grow, stretch and take the risk in fulfilling our God's Given potential, you and i are abound to run into fear BUT remmeber that the word of God in the book of (proverbs 28:1) and (Psalms 27:14).

Do not allow yourself to be trapped in your own words (proverbs 6:2) some words are librating and destructive. instead have words and sentences like "in God's strength i can amke it rather than 'what'll i do, my life is over'. Let the enemy know that your FAITH is much more bigger than your fear.

So now that we know all this... YOU!!! tell that small voice in your head right now "JESUS won!" so I win too because you are made in his image, he hasnt forgotten about you. He just wants you to know that wherever you want to go? He will go before you but the journey will be long, wobbly, stretchy.. you name it but the point is through his faith in his heavenly father in heaven he defeated the world so YOU! can too. (Hebrew 11)

Thank God for what you are going through right now because God is using you, his using your experience to mould you into the strong warrior that you are becoming in christ through your faith!! My God... give yourself a tap on the back.
The more we focus on our fears?, the more fear we experience. instead lets focus on God( Philippians 4:13). He can empower us to handle anuything we'll ever face.

Remember God's love is eternal and endureth forever..
Be Blessed

Grace A