Sunday, 30 August 2015

Your hurt... God's opportunity

Being hurt is such a confusing place to be, you are stuck between getting even, crying it all out or expressing how hurt you are. Joseph's story inspires me so much because he went through all these phase and did nothing but cry unto his God. When you're hurting, everything is looked at with the big magnifying glasses and the more you think about it and dwell on it ? The more it hurts. But I want to encourage you right now as Mathew 11:28-30 ‘come to me all who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest’. All we have to do is go to God with our hurt because his yoke is light. Unlike how neighbours who sometimes stress out our hurt, God will not do that because he does not respond to our emotions but gives us strength to handle our hurt.

Psalm 27 reminds me that and states in verse: 10 "when your father, mother ........ (Fill in) forsake you; the Lord will come to our rescue. The verse didn't say if these people hurt you, it emphasised on the "WHEN" as a confirmation that people will hurt us but God says he will never leave or forsake us. One thing I've learnt in my season is that I must keep my eyes on Christ and ask what is it that I'm supposed to learn in this process?.

This type of thinking helps me to take my eyes of those who have hurt me and focus my energy what God is trying to tell me and how I will grow in that season. Focusing too much on your hurt can even make you act out of character and now you'll create a big mess of trying to heal and trying to clean up your character. Do not create more mess while you're trying to heal, just remember that our experience sometimes isn’t about us: it's more to do with God showing his mighty hand in our lives.
I know you're thinking but Grace you don't know how much I'm hurting , they've hurt me but ask yourself this is it much more than what Christ went through ?

The enemy will try and play with your mind giving you every reason to flip out and act but don't do it. Even if you are going to confront those who hurt you?, do it by using wisdom and compassion. I've been in a place where i would lash out because i responded only to my emotions and when I look back, I just think why girl? Now you have to start over. Imagine if Joseph had acted out of character with his prison mates, he would have probably stayed in there longer than expected. This is the same when you're hurting; when you stay hurting you are leaving yourself in a prison God never intended for you. The mind itself can be used as a prison, which is why the enemy always wants us to react with our emotions and feelings. YES! Feeling the hurt is necessary, that is what makes us human but reacting using those feelings as guidelines will lead to foolishness. Romans 12:19 ‘vengeance belongs to God’ he will do the fighting, not our silly and unreliable emotions, give it all to God and he will FIX IT!

Be encouraged that God is doing far more than you can imagine in your life during the difficult seasons. There's a hidden treasure there and only those who patiently endure will see and receive it.
Stay strong and Happy