Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Having Patience during Your Trial (Waiting)

Hi Guys… it’s been a while but I’m so glad to be back on here, the topic of today is PATIENCE and I decided to write about this because I've also been struggling with this for the last couple of months. Oh how I LOVE patience... No not really, I have like 50% of patience which is not really good but I thank God almighty that I was able to experience the importance of patience as a Christian.
Sometimes as Christians we fall under this mentality of thinking, when we ask for something, we expect to see the sign the next day, I’m guilty of this and then when I don’t see it I begin to panic and throw all sorts of tantrum. Isaiah 40:31 says:
“But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Waiting on God involves having patience and trust that he knows what his doing. Let’s be REAL right now, take a minute to think about this “Has God honestly Ever EVER let you down before???” when you think about it, from the moment you started praying for things has he ever let you down? I honestly cannot think of anyone who’s been sad for the whole year, but if there are I pray Lord of Host will heal their heart.
I knew without patience my mind would not be at rest, as this would lead to more frustration and probably say or do something I’d later on suffer for. God is not a wicked, he made us (This statement relaxes me so much) like proper relaxes me. When I’m frustrated I actually run to my bible or listen to uplifting song because if you don’t, the devil will see you’re slowly moving towards the direction he wants you.

Patience will actually get you everything I’m telling you now, I always try and put myself in others positions for example: Sarah in Genesis. (Genesis Chapters 15, 17, 18, 21). She did not trust God to give her a child so she went out of her way and made it happen. we should never try and do anything on our own. When we try and do things on our own we get ourselves into trouble. Instead we should depend on God for everything.
During our trials we need to believe that God trusts us with more struggles because he will later on bless us with more than we can handle… God is slow to anger, so our little tantrums that we like to throw when we don’t get the things we want will not get us anywhere. The lord is not a magician but a miracle worker. His ways are mysterious and definitely not our way. However God might give us something we want at times just to show us we do not NEED it.
Patience will teach you the type of Christian you are, it will also make you stronger. I have learnt this during my trial. Once I knew God was in control I was at peace with myself, I kept on going to God. One thing we need to know as Christians is that the devil does not take it easy when it comes to his lame attacks, so when we go to God, our prayers must be AGGRESSIVE. Don’t be SLUGGISH!!!(Galatians 6:9 - Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. )

when you feel like giving up; always remember how God has been patience with us, we leave whenever we feel like and also come back whenever we feel like whereas His never left, he was always there... I have faith in God through my patience. Everything works out for this Good and Glory.

God I know I cannot do anything without you, please grant me patience to know that you are always in control and help me to understand that without you I am nothing. Amen
Patience with God = FAITH

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