Clothes- "Item worn to cover the body"
Now that we know the meaning and use of clothing why do a lot of people buy clothes and not use it according to it's purpose?? If clothes are meant to cover the body? Why buy it if you are not going to use it for its only purpose?
Does the bible really have a dress code? No however it does offer us the principles about modesty. but don't miss the principle. Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself and God: Why do you want to dress the way you do? What is the goal of wearing a certain outfit? If you dress yourself in the armor of God first, it should help direct you as you put o
n the rest of your clothes.
n the rest of your clothes.
Whether you believe in God or not, Your body is not your but God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Some may say it's my body and I'm allowed to do anything and wear whatever i want YES! But not everything is good for you, this mentality only means that you are making your clothes enslave you (1 Corinthians 6:12).
As females, we have to understand something we don't need to be half naked to feel beautiful your confidence should come from knowing that the creator of heaven and earth took the time to make you, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. (psalm 139:14). You can put on a pair of jeans and a nice top and still look beautiful, Yes clothe protects us and our body from heat, cold but we have to respect our body in regards to how we dress. Adam hid from God when he was naked because he knew it was wrong for others to see him naked. Females stop polluting others soul, stop chewing on worldly fruits to stay naked (Genesis 3:6-7), (1 Timothy 2:9-10) states that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control). Young girls forget if your friends are doing it, and do not listen to you even when you tell them about their dressing, you know your morals in Christ. The bible says, do not behave as unbelievers, but today we have a lot of people who try to justify their dressing . 'let there be modesty in everything'.
Ruth 3:3 describes how Ruth dressed when she was getting to meet Boaz( her future husband). She was covered! Nowadays females feel the need to show excessive body parts just so they can impress someone but news flash, guys may look at you but that where the imagination stops. You've exposed it all.
Personally for me I've spoken to a lot of males on this topic and ALL of them replied with "no my daughter can't and will not dress like that" when I asked them would you let your daughter leave the house in a certain way, but they also said "there's nothing wrong with wearing it" FEMALES Do you see how contradicting this statement is, they won't allow their daughter in the future to dress the way you dress but when they see you, they like what they say.
We say God sees my heart, well he surely does because he also sees the things you up before him, you know what he's said about dressing modest and you know what that means but you keep covering it up with "God does not look at my outer appearance", some circumstances YES!! But he looks at you as a whole. Believe that.
Sometimes your dressing will allow people to judge your gift. Should that be your problem? Absolutely. You know right from wrong so why do you continuously walk in the wrong path just because you know God can use anyone! Remember many are called but few are chosen. If you know the worldly things including the way you dress keep building a wall between you and God then stop it! (Psalm 33:13, psalm 11:4).

