Monday, 3 June 2013

Getting out from depression (Press Through)

Get out from depression why? For you mainly, for your inner peace and for your future. Jesus died to save our souls, he didn't die for us to continuously punish our soul, spirit through depression. When it comes to trials and waiting on God we have to get out of this mentality of "I WISH God would answer me already" No! We need a backbone that will allow us to wait on God! Don't you remember what he said to us? He said "Be still and know that I am God". If his telling us something I don't understand why we don't do it. Let us wake up my brothers and sisters. Most of our problems is not spiritual problems, these problems occurs when turn deaf ears to our own issues such as bad relationships, friendships, jobs, character etc.. you're chosen by God and if you have accepted your role in Christ, expect trials and tribulation everyday but don't worry or Lose your cool. You are anointed by the Holy Spirit. (Mark 5: 24-34). The woman with the blood issue knew Jesus was amongst the huge crowd but she pressed through by finding her way to Jesus from the crowd, SHE PRESSED PAST the pain in her body just to get through to God, and God took care of her (mark 5:34)What is it that you are trying to press through right now? Press through it! Don't blame anyone for your problem, press through in faith and you'll get your spiritual muscles, that way when another issues comes your way you'll be able to muscle your way out of that situation. God will help you do it but he won't do it for you. 

Father lord give me the strength to be able to press past my depression, betrayal, self-pity the rejection I've felt from family and friends. Give me the power to let this go for my own inner peace so I can press into a new beginning with you. Amen. 

Blessings! and Happy New Month 

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