Friday, 23 October 2015

My attendance at church does not define my relationship with God.

I see a lot of Christians being judged and they are considered "not on fire" because they don't go to every weekday service. Can I just question those that attend?

 "Does your weekly service involve judging people or worshipping and serving your creator?"

Since we are on the matter, I would kindly like to remind each of us that, our attendance at church does not determine the quality of our relationship with Christ. In addition to that, for anyone struggling with this kind of issue, I would also like to remind you all that God’s love is not based on how many times we come to church each week. God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL.   
Why preach to those outside when those of us in the church and ripping the inside apart? 
We as Christians tend to pick which sin is greater than the other, ‘oh girl you haven’t been to church in a long time, you are not taking God seriously’ REALLY?? Does your greed, prideful, judgmental act show that you are taking God seriously? We honestly have to stop weighing one sin over the other.
REMINDER: God looks on the INSIDE
Churches are supposed to be a holy sanctuary where people are able to bring their trouble and go home with joy. In today's churches, this isn't necessarily true, churches are now becoming places where you cannot share your brokenness and struggle without the fear of condemnation from those who are supposed to lift the broken (Hebrews 10: 24-25). 
If we are truly our brothers and sisters keepers, we must learn to ASK God for help when we do not know what to say, in whatever position we are in. 

There is no point in having a higher position to help people, yet you abuse your position by continually bending the broken.
We all know and believe that God forgives us for all our sins. However, this is not in any way a ‘GO AHEAD’ card to treat others in terrible ways and God will still forgive us.  While it is true that we will surely be forgiven for such behaviour, his grace is not a LICENSE to treat others so shamefully.

This post is not to discourage anyone but to encourage and remind us all to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. Let us continue in the act of kindness, PRAY for your neighbour. 
Act 4:12 helps me to understand that God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. I see this as what A & B say about your service or worship is not what will save you. You can; call upon the name of God anywhere and in his infinite mercy? He will hear you. 

Your attendance at church is important but so is your HEART. 

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