Saturday, 12 January 2013


What is PRIDE?

A feeling derived from one's own achievement

Pride's Proverb
Pride goes or comes before a fall.... Proverbs 11:2 

what causes pride?
When God starts using you to save others, by showing you supernatural things and once they happen you begin to say things like “see I told you this would happen” NO hunny... God told YOU this would happen and you told the right person. We have to know the difference between humility and pride.
if you are too conceited or self-important, something will happen along the way that will make you look foolish. Pride is a SIN... it does not align with what God is about however being proud of another Christian's walk is in alignment with God's word.

As followers of Christ, this trait is not part of what God wants us to include in our personality as it will only lead to destruction. There's being proud of your achievement and then there's been conceited about it. You've got to know which is which.!
Pride can go a long way for instance: not talking to your spouse or friend because they upset you, and you refuse to be the first person to approach them or the situation. To move pride away from your heart there has to be compromise because without this we cannot all live in love (Ephesians 5:2).

Pride can and will bring you low if we think we can do everything by ourselves and along the way we could lose a lot of people that are dear to us. I use to get mad at God when he didn't do what I wanted and I’d ignore his callings, refuse to pray. THIS IS ALL PRIDE... but once I learnt about how pride can destroy me, I learnt to compromise and I asked God to forgive me and remove pride from my heart as this is not a Godly character.

Pride is the main killer of all humans mind, once you allow pride in, it'll be hard to hear God's voice, pride usually relies upon competition, and that it cannot exist without competition. It's always about you or me against another.
If we are not careful pride will prevent us from receiving from God, he sees our heart and if we begin to have faith in ourselves too much while God does something for us, this might prevent us from receiving from God. Now don't get me wrong, I’m not saying God will not bless you, he surely will but God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Remember God uses US and ANYONE for his glory NOT ours... His Glory shines through us... The book of Hebrew 3:19 “when I am full of myself I am empty of God” <<<<------- That's HOW much of a sin pride is. We need to learn how to acknowledge God's work in our lives rather than how we get things done because we actually cannot do anything without God's grace

Walk in his Grace.. and Ye shall be lifted Up Through his strength NOT Yours- GOA

God bless you all... 

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