Sunday, 13 January 2013

There is no shame In being a Christian 1 peter: 4

There is no shame In being a Christian 1 peter: 4

As Christians we all know that many are called but few are chosen, let's praise and thank God for the privilege of being called by his name. God the father knew you and chose you a very long time ago (Jeremiah 1:5). His spirit is what makes us holy. It's through his grace and mercy that we are born again. We now have great expectation and we have a priceless inheritance that is kept for us in heaven (1peter 1:4).

When we suffer as Christians because of what the lord has called us to do, let's rejoice in Christ because it shows that the persecution is a mark of God's approval of our work.. take John and peter for example, they were persecuted but they never stopped doing lord's work because they knew that their reward was in heaven and not on earth. Sometimes we hold unto the worldly things too much and we do not see ourselves the way God sees us. Christ himself was rejected by his own people while he was on earth but because he knew he was chosen by God for great honour, he carried on the good work and also because he loved us.

People see working for Christ as a job that will bring them much persecution yes this might be the case but also God blesses our handworks, he gives us joy. I don't know about you but I’m loving the persecution and the joy. Let's be glad because Christ chose us, he pointed and looked at you said “I WANT HER, HIM, THEM”. It's a blessing and a great joy to be picked out from so many people by God. It's like taking a ride with Christ, to know what his all about and to be what his all about. Talk about unlimited blessings..

When the world tries to bring you down, remember this, once you had no identity but now your in Christ, you are a royal priesthood, an heir to the throne, God's very own possession. You are made of light once you know this and believe this, there's nothing in this world that can make you fall, in-fact God will not allow it because he is our ROCK and fortress. As you are working for Christ he will bless you down to your roots, your family.

1 peter 2:21 “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. As followers of Christ we should not seek out suffering or even try to avoid it, instead allow the spirit of God to continue to direct you to keep doing what God has called you to do, regardless of the suffering it might bring.

Graduate as a Christian, Every time you stand up be a threat to the devil.

God bless you all


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