Monday, 8 April 2013

Falling On His Grace

Lord lord why have your forsaken me?
For too long I've battle in my mind, your voice and mine, and the devil knew so he started lurking around and I let him because you weren't there to buck with me like you said you would.

Remember you said be still and you'll show them why you God almighty
But I can't see your footprint with mine anymore. There's just one
I'm running out of things to say, YOU said you'd always be there but it seems like whatever I say will never change what the truth is. You love me before I knew it.

I'm finding it hard to believe you could love a sinner like me but you keep telling me.....I'm the only one in way
See.... It's your voice VS mine again.

Lord remove these thoughts from my heart.
I'm running out of things to say, I've got no excuse I'm the only one in my way.
Everytime I fall on my face, you keep allowing me to fall on your grace.
Why can't I trust you, why can't I believe that'll you help me?

Clock is ticking, tick tick tock
What to do what to do?
So i stay up all night, read my Romans And

Like Romans told me, God is using my past to build my home, my experience to build me up and strengthen me.
So I dropped the blame, the insecurities because i am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Infact ama Harlem shake the devil off... Look at me now God is my only Vibe, through my lifestyle you can tell.
I know my future is brighter and bigger than me and I don't mean in height or weight but in Christ alone.

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