Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Waiting on Boaz?

Good morning everyone, so I've been tweeting randomly today and i just thought i'd share few things with you all.....

Growing up, I misunderstood the whole concept of Boaz's job in the bible to be honest. Only recently I understood. For some of us "waiting for our Boaz?" I'm sorry but he is not coming. You want to know why? Because Boaz was for Ruth. No one else's. As followers of Christ, our eyes should only be focused on christ but at the same time God said "Ask and Ye shall Receive". so my point here is that if you are asking God to give you, your own man? that is exactly what you should do.. YOUR OWN MAN not Ruth's other half Boaz... Pray for your own person. His name could be Mathew for all you know and you're here screaming "God bring my Boaz" . Please do not misquote my post for today as bitter or shallow, this is my own personal opinion and i am sharing my own views on this particular topic. God can bring your own man and he can have some of us Boaz's traits but it still won't be Boaz. Even if you get Boaz what makes you think he would treat you the same way he treated Ruth? We are all fearfully and wonderfully made differently by God almighty. The moral of this short post is to not WATCH other's people time to work with your timing. Our God is the author of time, he will work things out in his own time, which is always at the perfect time. "Be still and know that he is God" continue to rest in christ and watch him bring you the right bone.. 

Many Blessings
Lioness Grace


  1. This is an interesting post. Preach to the ladies out there :) a lot of them are lost and confused. God bless you as you share your thoughts :)

  2. Thank you kelvin, God bless you also.. shalom
