Monday, 16 June 2014


Usually when we have a scar because we've been wounded and eventually you use (medications) to treat the wound. You pay close attention, and you ask doctors, your family what can ease the pain or make the wound heal faster and once it’s healed sometimes you can scrape off the scar to disappear from your skin and sometimes it doesn’t go away so every time you look at it, you are reminded of how you got it and how it became s scar.

So now tell me why we always beat ourselves up about our emotional scars? I know I do it, sometimes I still do it in fact, and it’s inevitable. What about that scar disgust you so much that you start stressing out once you see it again? (TAKE YOUR TIME TO THINK ABOUT THIS). You see with your physical scar you take time to treat it, why not do the same with the emotional scars? SPEAK to God, ASK him to HEAL your wound, and once he does they will eventually turn to scars or sometimes disappear but some of us will always have that mental scar. 

You should never have to look at your scars and feel more pain, NO!
Your scar is a reminder of where you’ve been and not where you are going. It is a reminder of overcoming what could have killed you or hurt you even more but God did not let it. So why do we stare at our scars and begin to ask God why?

“Why what?” Unless you’re asking God why he healed your scar, why you deserved the healing, there should be no questions? But most of us already know the answers to our questions (Psalm 106:1). Usually after God heals your scars, he gives you something new, all that you need to focus on (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Usually when you treat your physical scar careful, you begin to see changes, now you see you can take the same step for the emotional scars. You just have to replace the medication with the word of God, SPEAK to God and he will take it from there. It’s funny we trust mere man (doctors) to prescribe the right medications for the wound but sometimes we find it hard to trust God when he instructs us, when we ask for the best remedy to ease our pain. How can we ask for help, get the help? but yet still question the help?

It’s funny we ask God to heal our scars, then again we find ourselves looking at the scars and having regrets or getting mad at ourselves, or even asking God why he allowed the scars?. Be thankful for your scars, I know I used to look at my scars and cry, now I look back I can’t even explain why I was crying. It’s better to thank God when we ask him to bring us out of a situation rather than question him (1 Chronicles 16:34).

SCARS: Leads to our own personal growth. During the transition from your physical
--------------Wound                     >>>Scars
You learn about the most effective medications, or home remedy for you. That’s the same with the emotional scars. You see what suits your spirit better. Does singing uplift your spirit? , spending time with God daily helps you in letting go of your scars and appreciating them, praying with your peers?: whatever it is that works for you find out BUT don’t look at your scars and take yourself back to where God has removed you from. Appreciate your scars, Love your scars because without them? You have no story.


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