Monday, 13 October 2014

I don’t need you, but I still want you

Firstly I know this title is probably baffling to a lot of you, but the Holy Spirit ministered this to me as I finished studying today. I was getting up to enjoy my leisure time but in between this I was speaking boldness into my life.

Don’t you find it funny that, God thugs on our heart and tries to pull us nearer for our own sake, but then we keep running, and he sits back and watch we act like we do not need him then when we want something we want him? The definite truth is we cannot choose when we want God, and when we don’t, this will lead to frustration because God is not a genie that will pop out when we want him to. Seeking the spirit without the word will not work as these two cannot be separated, because they always work together in perfect harmony.

I find myself asking this question each day “Do I love God because of what he does for me, or because of who he is?” (John 6:26-27). I am grateful to the almighty that my answer is not in the department of what he does for me.

I have learnt over the previous months, when you take time away from God, you are inviting the devil to feed you his lies, and you eventually fall into the trap of believing him, then we come running back to God and asking “WHY?” I don’t know about you but I am terrified for the day God will give me an answer to my many “WHY’s”. God should never be an option in/on our menu, he should be THE MENU.

God has called us to be dependent on him for everything, neediness is holy in the eyes of our heavenly father. In needing God we must learn to totally surrender our pride and control so that God can then mold us into the person he longs for us to be.



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