Monday, 13 October 2014

Growing with God

Firstly I am going to highlight the story of Joseph, for those who are not very familiar with this story: CHECK: Genesis 37
One thing I have learnt from his story is that, He didn't fight the process but there was a lesson in every step and he was humble throughout. It was painful for him but the most important thing that was sufficient for him was in trust an faith in God. 

I have learnt to handle every moment of my life with prayers because my life is fragile without God. I spend my time chit-chatting with my heavenly father and honestly I CAN explain the experience, it is PEACEFUL and REASSURING! 
How? You may ask? (Hebrew 11:1) 

Learning to depend on God means not running to people and having a pity party about yourself! 
Their advice will not fill that void. The advice may work for that day but the next day what will you do? Run back to them again for advice? You need to LEARN to GROW by yourself and begin to love yourself in the process! 

The arms that holds the universe is holding you, how can you honestly not be at peace with that??

You are a heir to the throne of the most high(GET TO KNOW YOURSELF through Christ) Pour your heart out to God because he knows everything you're going through, he is the only one that can listen to us without getting tired and understands us 100%! 

It's funny a lot of us have that 1 friend whom we tell anything but here's a question - half of the things you tell this person, do you even tell God? Then when problem occur we say "oh God why didn't you show me this would happen?! News flash did you inform him when you made that particular decision? If you have a relationship with someone, you have to understand communication works both ways that's the same with God! You have to ask first, then he will instruct you. You can't do it, then ask him why he allowed that to happen. The BIG question is WHY didn't you tell him at first?

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