Tuesday 2 December 2014

Kneel before speech

Hi everyone

Unfortunately I won't be able to post as much due to my busy schedule but I will try my best to pop on as much as I can.

In other news, I have learnt a valuable lesson this week that I believe will stick to me until the end of time.

"KNEEL BEFORE SPEECH" . The simplest way for me to interpret this is, if you are about to make a decision while your emotions are fluctuating, Please take a step back from your so called BIG picture and get on your knees and speak to your heavenly father before making any permanent decision.

As females or even human being, we tend to think we know what we are doing when our emotions are all over the place, its like having the same plaster for about weeks on the same wound, if you do not pay attention the wound, how will you know if it's healing or not?. We tend to not pay attention to the lesson and how much our emotions is taking over our situation and once the damage is done, its like the plaster has not been taken off and you can see the big mess at the bottom.

However once a mistake is made, God is all loving and forgiving, Kneel before God but without complaints. Its an insult to complaint at God as it is an act of unbelief towards him.  Accept your doings as this will bring you true peace.

Acknowledge your wrongs and ask God to fix it, but also you must check yourself. Checking yourself starts with a change in your behaviour, and this begins with a change in the heart.


Sunday 26 October 2014


V.O.T.D - Voice Of The Day

Holding on to the hurt will only harm you, it's a decision you have to make! So go ahead exhale, and release forgiveness (Mathew 6:12-15)

I pray this blesses your spirit as much as it has blessed mine.



Monday 13 October 2014

God exalts

                        Man will pop your bubble but God exalts and demotes (John 14:23)

Growing with God

Firstly I am going to highlight the story of Joseph, for those who are not very familiar with this story: CHECK: Genesis 37
One thing I have learnt from his story is that, He didn't fight the process but there was a lesson in every step and he was humble throughout. It was painful for him but the most important thing that was sufficient for him was in trust an faith in God. 

I have learnt to handle every moment of my life with prayers because my life is fragile without God. I spend my time chit-chatting with my heavenly father and honestly I CAN explain the experience, it is PEACEFUL and REASSURING! 
How? You may ask? (Hebrew 11:1) 

Learning to depend on God means not running to people and having a pity party about yourself! 
Their advice will not fill that void. The advice may work for that day but the next day what will you do? Run back to them again for advice? You need to LEARN to GROW by yourself and begin to love yourself in the process! 

The arms that holds the universe is holding you, how can you honestly not be at peace with that??

You are a heir to the throne of the most high(GET TO KNOW YOURSELF through Christ) Pour your heart out to God because he knows everything you're going through, he is the only one that can listen to us without getting tired and understands us 100%! 

It's funny a lot of us have that 1 friend whom we tell anything but here's a question - half of the things you tell this person, do you even tell God? Then when problem occur we say "oh God why didn't you show me this would happen?! News flash did you inform him when you made that particular decision? If you have a relationship with someone, you have to understand communication works both ways that's the same with God! You have to ask first, then he will instruct you. You can't do it, then ask him why he allowed that to happen. The BIG question is WHY didn't you tell him at first?

I don’t need you, but I still want you

Firstly I know this title is probably baffling to a lot of you, but the Holy Spirit ministered this to me as I finished studying today. I was getting up to enjoy my leisure time but in between this I was speaking boldness into my life.

Don’t you find it funny that, God thugs on our heart and tries to pull us nearer for our own sake, but then we keep running, and he sits back and watch we act like we do not need him then when we want something we want him? The definite truth is we cannot choose when we want God, and when we don’t, this will lead to frustration because God is not a genie that will pop out when we want him to. Seeking the spirit without the word will not work as these two cannot be separated, because they always work together in perfect harmony.

I find myself asking this question each day “Do I love God because of what he does for me, or because of who he is?” (John 6:26-27). I am grateful to the almighty that my answer is not in the department of what he does for me.

I have learnt over the previous months, when you take time away from God, you are inviting the devil to feed you his lies, and you eventually fall into the trap of believing him, then we come running back to God and asking “WHY?” I don’t know about you but I am terrified for the day God will give me an answer to my many “WHY’s”. God should never be an option in/on our menu, he should be THE MENU.

God has called us to be dependent on him for everything, neediness is holy in the eyes of our heavenly father. In needing God we must learn to totally surrender our pride and control so that God can then mold us into the person he longs for us to be.



Monday 16 June 2014


Usually when we have a scar because we've been wounded and eventually you use (medications) to treat the wound. You pay close attention, and you ask doctors, your family what can ease the pain or make the wound heal faster and once it’s healed sometimes you can scrape off the scar to disappear from your skin and sometimes it doesn’t go away so every time you look at it, you are reminded of how you got it and how it became s scar.

So now tell me why we always beat ourselves up about our emotional scars? I know I do it, sometimes I still do it in fact, and it’s inevitable. What about that scar disgust you so much that you start stressing out once you see it again? (TAKE YOUR TIME TO THINK ABOUT THIS). You see with your physical scar you take time to treat it, why not do the same with the emotional scars? SPEAK to God, ASK him to HEAL your wound, and once he does they will eventually turn to scars or sometimes disappear but some of us will always have that mental scar. 

You should never have to look at your scars and feel more pain, NO!
Your scar is a reminder of where you’ve been and not where you are going. It is a reminder of overcoming what could have killed you or hurt you even more but God did not let it. So why do we stare at our scars and begin to ask God why?

“Why what?” Unless you’re asking God why he healed your scar, why you deserved the healing, there should be no questions? But most of us already know the answers to our questions (Psalm 106:1). Usually after God heals your scars, he gives you something new, all that you need to focus on (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Usually when you treat your physical scar careful, you begin to see changes, now you see you can take the same step for the emotional scars. You just have to replace the medication with the word of God, SPEAK to God and he will take it from there. It’s funny we trust mere man (doctors) to prescribe the right medications for the wound but sometimes we find it hard to trust God when he instructs us, when we ask for the best remedy to ease our pain. How can we ask for help, get the help? but yet still question the help?

It’s funny we ask God to heal our scars, then again we find ourselves looking at the scars and having regrets or getting mad at ourselves, or even asking God why he allowed the scars?. Be thankful for your scars, I know I used to look at my scars and cry, now I look back I can’t even explain why I was crying. It’s better to thank God when we ask him to bring us out of a situation rather than question him (1 Chronicles 16:34).

SCARS: Leads to our own personal growth. During the transition from your physical
--------------Wound                     >>>Scars
You learn about the most effective medications, or home remedy for you. That’s the same with the emotional scars. You see what suits your spirit better. Does singing uplift your spirit? , spending time with God daily helps you in letting go of your scars and appreciating them, praying with your peers?: whatever it is that works for you find out BUT don’t look at your scars and take yourself back to where God has removed you from. Appreciate your scars, Love your scars because without them? You have no story.


Saturday 14 June 2014

Case of The Ex

We've all had that one Ex we've tried so hard to pack our stuff and leave behind right?? And I have been wondering why it is so hard to let go of a relationship that continuously causes us pain or confusion?. I mean what is it about the pain that you love so much? I still don’t have the 100% answer.

During my process I found myself asking God to fix me, and once he does I find myself once again running back to the exact thing he saved me from. You see all this while I thought I was the problem not knowing the problem was as simple as “IT’S NOT FOR YOU”. But I kept hoping and thinking maybe just maybe, if I fix myself up and change they’ll accept me and we’ll live happily ever after.

Sis/Bro sometimes you need to take a step back from the situation and simply pray and ask God to show you what it is he’s trying to tell you. Most of the time both parties are not to blame, neither is God, it just means that relationship is NOT for you, and forcing yourself to stay and stay loving in a painful relationship will hurt you even more than the relationship itself. There were times when it couldn’t be any less obvious that God was speaking to me, but I kept ignoring it because of what I wanted and I ended up hurting myself. And guess where I turned to after that? I ran back to the same person and only one that has my interest at heart (My Redeemer).
Through my personal experience on this subject, I have learnt to really listen to God in the midst of my hardship. And it’s okay to admit and submit your feelings to God. I was not afraid to tell God how I was feeling, in fact I spoke to him about the situation more than I ever did with any of my peers.
There’s been times when all I did was cry and kept begging God to do so and so, I look back now and laugh because I know God was definitely telling me “You Gonna Learn Today”. And I did, I still am, and the lesson is to keep trusting God even if the lesson hurts because what comes after those lessons? Will surely be blessings. I have learnt to stop obsessing about the mess in the relationship or outsiders opinions. It is a blessing when God 'MOVES' you from a situation you refuse to leave. 

NOTE: God will never give you something you don't need, he is our provider, he only supplies what we NEED

1.      Cut all communications with your ex, what are you both talking about after the long break up? The more you speak to each other, the harder it will be to let go. Don’t suddenly call on their birthday or any occasion to start a conversation, you won’t heal if you keep focusing on them. Be civil with one another, e.g- if they say hello, say it back and keep it moving. Bitterness is not part of the spiritual fruits.

2.      Do not listen to the ‘maybe’s of getting back together one day’ because that will only stop you from focusing on God. You will spend so much time thinking about the ‘maybe’s’ and distract yourself on the present things and where God is taking you 

3.      ‘GO’ out there and find people with similar interest as yourself, networking with the right people can bring new connection. And I am not talking about a new relationship. Continue to build yourself and stay prayed up, ask God to bring people that'll help you to grow better, and live a Godly life

4.      Learn to be content with your situation, don’t look at your newlywed friends and become bitter and start crying to God, screaming where is mine. Stay strong in Christ and be content in your season. it's okay to cry when you feel tired, it is normal but don't use that as an excuse to run to God and start bickering about what your Ex did. He knows!

5. Let the PAST GO! You won't blossom unless you look ahead and wait on what God has for you. Don't start stalking your Ex on social media to see if he has a new girl. This will become a new headache. rather thank God for a new blessed day, and believe his plans for you are greater than what you can see

(Opinions, suggestions are welcomed)