Monday, 19 August 2013

Are You Discontent

Are You Discontent?
Definition: lack of satisfaction with one's circumstances 

As children of God, we have to learn the mystery of contentment and its power over the restless tortures of desires. Most of the time if we are not careful our desires will get us in trouble because its all about what we want rather than what we need. 

Let's look at the whole story about Jacob, Leah and her sister Rachel ( Genesis 29), Jacob was impressed the first time he met Rachel and he waited seven years just to be with her as her father wanted Jacob to marry the elder sister Leah. Rachel knew how much Jacob loved him yet she was not satisfied as Leah was able to bear children and the attention was on her rather than Rachel, her true colours began to show through her discontentment period. She was jealous of her sister and even said to Jacob "Give me a child or i will die (Gen 30:1) meaning if i don't get what i want, i will do what i like. Sometimes we always think our desires is actually what God wants for us and because we think it or want it makes it right and seems like it's truly what we need. But newsflash and good news about God is that he already has our emotional address, all we have to do is rest and wait for these things to be delivered. 
YES! It is hard but the word of God says "But they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up..... ( Isaiah 40:31). I've been there, several times I've cried and I've given up but guess what? I know that giving up will not get me what i want so i run back to God and asks him to teach me how to be content with the things i have. 

The spirit of discontentment can cause more than you think, you will begin to nag, fuss, moan about everything that is not going right for you, and the things you want but you don't have, you will look at yours friends and families and begin to think "How can they have it and i don't?" and my favourite of all "I worship God all the time but still he hasn't given me they things i want". Newsflash its not about you, me, us, its about God. Discontentment will cloud your judgement and will pull you into one dark big hole and it will make you feel unworthy. Learn to be still and wait on God because when we don't? We experience needless plain due to the fact that we are running ahead of God's format. sometimes discontentment is a coy of the enemy to stop us from achieving and really striving to get to where God wants us to be, as most of us always assume that our circumstances justifies current condition in allowing us to feel miserable.

One thing i have learnt is that God will not give you what you want because of your discontentment and if he does? It's just to show you that sometimes you don't need what you think you want. As Princes and Princesses of the most high we have to learn to cling unto God during difficult circumstances as he is trustworthy ( psalm 143:10) As christians God wants us to be content because we have everything we need under his care, sometimes it just takes that BIG patience. 

This is my testimony for the week, it is NOT over until God says so. 
Yours Truly 
Grace Adenuga

P.S- Feel free to email me or message me if you need to chat, it can be anonymous  God bless you all x

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What's In Your Closet? (Clothing)

Clothes- "Item worn to cover the body" 
Now that we know the meaning and use of clothing why do a lot of people buy clothes and not use it according to it's purpose?? If clothes are meant to cover the body? Why buy it if you are not going to use it for its only purpose?
Does the bible really have a dress code? No however it does offer us the principles about modesty. but don't miss the principle. Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself and God: Why do you want to dress the way you do? What is the goal of wearing a certain outfit? If you dress yourself in the armor of God first, it should help direct you as you put o

n the rest of your clothes.
Whether you believe in God or not, Your body is not your but God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Some may say it's my body and I'm allowed to do anything and wear whatever i want YES! But not everything is good for you, this mentality only means that you are making your clothes enslave you (1 Corinthians 6:12). 
As females, we have to understand something we don't need to be half naked to feel beautiful your confidence should come from knowing that the creator of heaven and earth took the time to make you, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. (psalm 139:14). You can put on a pair of jeans and a nice top and still look beautiful,  Yes clothe protects us and our body from heat, cold but we have to respect our body in regards to how we dress. Adam hid from God when he was naked because he knew it was wrong for others to see him naked. Females stop polluting others soul, stop chewing on worldly fruits to stay naked (Genesis 3:6-7), (1 Timothy 2:9-10) states that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control). Young girls forget if your friends are doing it, and do not listen to you even when you tell them about their dressing, you know your morals in Christ. The bible says, do not behave as unbelievers, but today we have a lot of people who try to justify their dressing . 'let there be modesty in everything'. 

Ruth 3:3 describes how Ruth dressed when she was getting to meet Boaz( her future husband). She was covered! Nowadays females feel the need to show excessive body parts just so they can impress someone but news flash, guys may look at you but that where the imagination stops. You've exposed it all. 
Personally for me I've spoken to a lot of males on this topic and ALL of them replied with "no my daughter can't and will not dress like that" when I asked them would you let your daughter leave the house in a certain way, but they also said "there's nothing wrong with wearing it" FEMALES Do you see how contradicting this statement is, they won't allow their daughter in the future to dress the way you dress but when they see you, they like what they say. 
We say God sees my heart, well he surely does because he also sees the things you up before him, you know what he's said about dressing modest and you know what that means but you keep covering it up with "God does not look at my outer appearance", some circumstances YES!! But he looks at you as a whole. Believe that.
Sometimes your dressing will allow people to judge your gift. Should that be your problem? Absolutely. You know right from wrong so why do you continuously walk in the wrong path just because you know God can use anyone! Remember many are called but few are chosen. If you know the worldly things including the way you dress keep building a wall between you and God then stop it! (Psalm 33:13, psalm 11:4)


Monday, 3 June 2013

Getting out from depression (Press Through)

Get out from depression why? For you mainly, for your inner peace and for your future. Jesus died to save our souls, he didn't die for us to continuously punish our soul, spirit through depression. When it comes to trials and waiting on God we have to get out of this mentality of "I WISH God would answer me already" No! We need a backbone that will allow us to wait on God! Don't you remember what he said to us? He said "Be still and know that I am God". If his telling us something I don't understand why we don't do it. Let us wake up my brothers and sisters. Most of our problems is not spiritual problems, these problems occurs when turn deaf ears to our own issues such as bad relationships, friendships, jobs, character etc.. you're chosen by God and if you have accepted your role in Christ, expect trials and tribulation everyday but don't worry or Lose your cool. You are anointed by the Holy Spirit. (Mark 5: 24-34). The woman with the blood issue knew Jesus was amongst the huge crowd but she pressed through by finding her way to Jesus from the crowd, SHE PRESSED PAST the pain in her body just to get through to God, and God took care of her (mark 5:34)What is it that you are trying to press through right now? Press through it! Don't blame anyone for your problem, press through in faith and you'll get your spiritual muscles, that way when another issues comes your way you'll be able to muscle your way out of that situation. God will help you do it but he won't do it for you. 

Father lord give me the strength to be able to press past my depression, betrayal, self-pity the rejection I've felt from family and friends. Give me the power to let this go for my own inner peace so I can press into a new beginning with you. Amen. 

Blessings! and Happy New Month 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


During the olympics the athletes trained, to develop muscles they trained with equipments such as weights, strapped to their legs but on the day of the events, just imagine how painful this process was for them but they did not give up because all they could think about was winning their Gold, silver medal and being a partaker of the event. on the actual event day, they did not have this weight because they had to strip off anything that wasn't essential. That's how life is, we sometimes cling unto things that we think are so important and we are scared to let them go. 
We all know the christian life is a race and in order to get to the finish line, we must eliminate anything that slows us down and hinders or even stops our spiritual growth, because without the holy spirit we are nothing.

 So what are you scared to do? Are you scared to stop listening to a certain genre in music, are you scared to get to know Christ and be saved? Are you scared of being mocked? Well good news sis/bro, you don't need to feel this way at all. In the book of Nehemiah overall, when the people of Jerusalem mocked Nehemiah and his men whilst they were trying to build the wall of Jerusalem, he was not scared, neither did he take his eyes off the mission he has been sent out to do, he simply replied saying "The God of heaven will make sure we succeed, we are going to work rebuilding it". 

They were not scared about what they were doing as they were making history, they were threatened, laughed at, cursed at but they did not stop because they knew their reward was with God, and this time it's not Gold or silver, its the EVERLASTING crown that awaits them in heaven. Nehemiah and his men continued to pray to God saying "oh listen to us, dear God we are so despised" No matter what the enemy throws at you bro/sis keep your eyes fixed on Christ and do not think much about the enemies plan. Be confident and in Christ like Nehemiah (Nehemiah 6:10-11).
During temptation we cannot allow it to change our attitude or commitment to God, when Jesus was tempted he did not treat people differently, neither did he give up, he kept his eyes on the cross and also his mission on earth. Maturity comes through trials, so whatever it is you are going through right now? Know that God is using this to help you by testing you, teaching you and training you. God is using these 3 T's to help you become what he wants you to be (Psalm 32:8)
Scriptures on Endurance
Many Blessings 
Lioness Grace

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Waiting on Boaz?

Good morning everyone, so I've been tweeting randomly today and i just thought i'd share few things with you all.....

Growing up, I misunderstood the whole concept of Boaz's job in the bible to be honest. Only recently I understood. For some of us "waiting for our Boaz?" I'm sorry but he is not coming. You want to know why? Because Boaz was for Ruth. No one else's. As followers of Christ, our eyes should only be focused on christ but at the same time God said "Ask and Ye shall Receive". so my point here is that if you are asking God to give you, your own man? that is exactly what you should do.. YOUR OWN MAN not Ruth's other half Boaz... Pray for your own person. His name could be Mathew for all you know and you're here screaming "God bring my Boaz" . Please do not misquote my post for today as bitter or shallow, this is my own personal opinion and i am sharing my own views on this particular topic. God can bring your own man and he can have some of us Boaz's traits but it still won't be Boaz. Even if you get Boaz what makes you think he would treat you the same way he treated Ruth? We are all fearfully and wonderfully made differently by God almighty. The moral of this short post is to not WATCH other's people time to work with your timing. Our God is the author of time, he will work things out in his own time, which is always at the perfect time. "Be still and know that he is God" continue to rest in christ and watch him bring you the right bone.. 

Many Blessings
Lioness Grace

Monday, 8 April 2013

Falling On His Grace

Lord lord why have your forsaken me?
For too long I've battle in my mind, your voice and mine, and the devil knew so he started lurking around and I let him because you weren't there to buck with me like you said you would.

Remember you said be still and you'll show them why you God almighty
But I can't see your footprint with mine anymore. There's just one
I'm running out of things to say, YOU said you'd always be there but it seems like whatever I say will never change what the truth is. You love me before I knew it.

I'm finding it hard to believe you could love a sinner like me but you keep telling me.....I'm the only one in way
See.... It's your voice VS mine again.

Lord remove these thoughts from my heart.
I'm running out of things to say, I've got no excuse I'm the only one in my way.
Everytime I fall on my face, you keep allowing me to fall on your grace.
Why can't I trust you, why can't I believe that'll you help me?

Clock is ticking, tick tick tock
What to do what to do?
So i stay up all night, read my Romans And

Like Romans told me, God is using my past to build my home, my experience to build me up and strengthen me.
So I dropped the blame, the insecurities because i am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Infact ama Harlem shake the devil off... Look at me now God is my only Vibe, through my lifestyle you can tell.
I know my future is brighter and bigger than me and I don't mean in height or weight but in Christ alone.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

What does your fruit say about you ?

What does your fruit say about you ? Mathew 12:33-34
Hey guys, it's been a really long time, but i thank God i am back to share more of the Good News with you all... Today's topic is ------> WHAT DOES YOUR FRUIT SAY ABOUT YOU?<--------------
We all know when a seed is planted, the farmer waters it in order for it to grow GOOD FRUITS!! See that? The farmers intention is to ensure what he is about sow, comes out with good fruits. In his mind he knows how he wants his seed to come out, which is good of-course because he wants to gain from all his hard work, this is the same with us followers of Christ or people in general. "A tree is identified by it's fruit", so in this case, whatever we sow in our hearts will determine what kind of fruit we'll produce. In today's society we tend to look at people's gifts instead of their fruits, fruits meaning their characters and qualities. Their fruits will tell you more than their gifts will. It does not matter if they are a prophet of God, a pastor, if their fruits is not complimenting or buttressing their gifts then they/ you need to CHECK YOURSELF. 
Too often people decide in their heart that they'll for instance: stop gossiping about others and speak better of them. And they do try but because they try to change their words without changing their thoughts nothing changes. "For out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks - via Jesus.  Everything begins with our thoughts or a thought so if we allow negative thoughts to dwell in our minds, this will produce bad fruits. Hence the reason why we have to guide our heart at all cost. Galatians 5: 22-23 tells us all about the good fruits, we all need these fruits in order to really be in Christ, there's no point deceiving ourselves, God loves me, so much he'll keep forgiving me. LISTEN! God cannot be mocked and he is the God of principle.
 God shows anger towards the people that no better and do not do it simply because they know we all the grace of God in our lives. we are recognised by our fruits, if you gossip a lot about other people for whatever invalid reason you may have, people will see you as a bitter person and they may also want to distance themselves from you. PRODUCE good fruits, but training your mind and spirit, continue to work with God. we all fall short but that is no excuse for us to keep going around in circles,don't change your fruits because your friends gets away with all her bad fruits, we are all different. 
It is vital to sow the right seed in order for us to make the right decisions especially in the middle of our tribulations and confusions. As humans when things are stressful we naturally like to take the path of least resistance, but those are the very moments we need to make tougher decisions because to REAP the right fruits in life? We have to SOW the right seeds even when we don't feel like it.
it's our responsibility, not to allow people to speak into our lives because they did not pay the price. Jesus did. Plant good seed in your heart by remembering that God is in love with us and his forever faithful. The more good seed we plant, the more good fruit we produce. 
Sow a Good Fruit, Nurture it and Reap  a  Good Fruit - GOA
Lioness Grace

Sunday, 13 January 2013

There is no shame In being a Christian 1 peter: 4

There is no shame In being a Christian 1 peter: 4

As Christians we all know that many are called but few are chosen, let's praise and thank God for the privilege of being called by his name. God the father knew you and chose you a very long time ago (Jeremiah 1:5). His spirit is what makes us holy. It's through his grace and mercy that we are born again. We now have great expectation and we have a priceless inheritance that is kept for us in heaven (1peter 1:4).

When we suffer as Christians because of what the lord has called us to do, let's rejoice in Christ because it shows that the persecution is a mark of God's approval of our work.. take John and peter for example, they were persecuted but they never stopped doing lord's work because they knew that their reward was in heaven and not on earth. Sometimes we hold unto the worldly things too much and we do not see ourselves the way God sees us. Christ himself was rejected by his own people while he was on earth but because he knew he was chosen by God for great honour, he carried on the good work and also because he loved us.

People see working for Christ as a job that will bring them much persecution yes this might be the case but also God blesses our handworks, he gives us joy. I don't know about you but I’m loving the persecution and the joy. Let's be glad because Christ chose us, he pointed and looked at you said “I WANT HER, HIM, THEM”. It's a blessing and a great joy to be picked out from so many people by God. It's like taking a ride with Christ, to know what his all about and to be what his all about. Talk about unlimited blessings..

When the world tries to bring you down, remember this, once you had no identity but now your in Christ, you are a royal priesthood, an heir to the throne, God's very own possession. You are made of light once you know this and believe this, there's nothing in this world that can make you fall, in-fact God will not allow it because he is our ROCK and fortress. As you are working for Christ he will bless you down to your roots, your family.

1 peter 2:21 “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. As followers of Christ we should not seek out suffering or even try to avoid it, instead allow the spirit of God to continue to direct you to keep doing what God has called you to do, regardless of the suffering it might bring.

Graduate as a Christian, Every time you stand up be a threat to the devil.

God bless you all


Saturday, 12 January 2013


What is PRIDE?

A feeling derived from one's own achievement

Pride's Proverb
Pride goes or comes before a fall.... Proverbs 11:2 

what causes pride?
When God starts using you to save others, by showing you supernatural things and once they happen you begin to say things like “see I told you this would happen” NO hunny... God told YOU this would happen and you told the right person. We have to know the difference between humility and pride.
if you are too conceited or self-important, something will happen along the way that will make you look foolish. Pride is a SIN... it does not align with what God is about however being proud of another Christian's walk is in alignment with God's word.

As followers of Christ, this trait is not part of what God wants us to include in our personality as it will only lead to destruction. There's being proud of your achievement and then there's been conceited about it. You've got to know which is which.!
Pride can go a long way for instance: not talking to your spouse or friend because they upset you, and you refuse to be the first person to approach them or the situation. To move pride away from your heart there has to be compromise because without this we cannot all live in love (Ephesians 5:2).

Pride can and will bring you low if we think we can do everything by ourselves and along the way we could lose a lot of people that are dear to us. I use to get mad at God when he didn't do what I wanted and I’d ignore his callings, refuse to pray. THIS IS ALL PRIDE... but once I learnt about how pride can destroy me, I learnt to compromise and I asked God to forgive me and remove pride from my heart as this is not a Godly character.

Pride is the main killer of all humans mind, once you allow pride in, it'll be hard to hear God's voice, pride usually relies upon competition, and that it cannot exist without competition. It's always about you or me against another.
If we are not careful pride will prevent us from receiving from God, he sees our heart and if we begin to have faith in ourselves too much while God does something for us, this might prevent us from receiving from God. Now don't get me wrong, I’m not saying God will not bless you, he surely will but God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Remember God uses US and ANYONE for his glory NOT ours... His Glory shines through us... The book of Hebrew 3:19 “when I am full of myself I am empty of God” <<<<------- That's HOW much of a sin pride is. We need to learn how to acknowledge God's work in our lives rather than how we get things done because we actually cannot do anything without God's grace

Walk in his Grace.. and Ye shall be lifted Up Through his strength NOT Yours- GOA

God bless you all... 


Happy New Year to my Brothers and Sisters...... 
Congratulations, This is YOUR year...OUR year... God will do something new in your life....
walk away form the heartaches, forget the familiar sicknesses and rise up on newness... Let God be your Guide and your light... 

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising." Isa.60: 1-3.

This is YOUR year... God will show many why your his, and why they should keep their hands and mouth of YOU... The Blood of Jesus speaks better things than that of Abel

God bless you all