Saturday, 25 August 2012

Another poem.... ADD ON

I believe Satan exist because the bible says so and second, I’ve done business with him.
By allowing his thoughts to fly I’ve suffocated myself in his lies. I’ve done business with him by fornicating, dealing with other infirmities.
Drawing closer to the way he saw me rather than the way Christ made me.
I kept the business going because it was easier to do, lurking around I felt his personal closeness. For ignorance was a bliss to me, I carried on with my business with the devil. I was his Xbox and he had the controller but I thought I was in control.
What a spiritual deception, without eating the forbidden fruit I felt dead spiritually. I broke the rules, lost my ways and broke down mentally.
But now Jesus purified my soul and cleansed my conscience. His grace is sufficient enough for me, it always has been. So now I pack up my bag and choose Jesus Christ.
So now I pack my bag and pick up my sword
I know Satan doesn’t wanna let go because I was his favourite client
But with my sword I’m breaking the walls and his words.
Satan you lost the battle, Jesus paid the total cost for me, and so I will spend eternity wiping his feet with my tears.
I hereby delete your number so you can no longer call; change my address so you can no longer visit, I FORGET YOU so you can no longer ADD ON!!!

Friday, 24 August 2012

My chance (Poem)

Thought I could win the race in order for me to come first in the game but I went about it in circles.
Following the ungodly I gained fame in the wrong way
It was a miracle when the lord pulled me out of the wilderness and renewed my spirit.
He washed me with his blood, the same blood he shared on the cross of Calvary for my sins. I washed his feet with my tears and shouted “By your grace I am Free”
Slowly my fears of not being good enough disappeared, for God hath not given me the spirit of fear but of power and love!
I’m not good enough but Christ took a chance on me, he refreshed me and gave me a new cover.
Even when friends and loved one ran from me, my saviour was not ashamed of me.
Like timothy, the lord searched me, sought me out very diligently and found me.
Thank for my chance to start…. Aaaaa…gainnnn!!!

New Poem Called... Your Love..By yours Truly

Your Love
You see I was swimming back and forth in the world, forgot to apply his words to my life
I was moving up and down and living the dream not knowing my dreams were pushing me away from his DREAMS…
I thought my dreams were breaking God’s rules but No they were breaking my father’s heart.
Believing my sins couldn’t be washed away, refusing to believe his love was enough,
I carried my sins around but still carried on my working for Christ at church…Another spiritual infection
I struggled to believe that God loves me, but everywhere I turned he kept screaming, come to me and I will give YOU rest.
I am an imperfect person loved unconditionally by a perfect God.
What more can I ask for? So I ran and ran until I found the cross. I turned to the cross and his LOVE shouted and it’s still echoing
Praise God!!! 

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Does everybody know you’re a Christian by your actions? Or does everybody think you’re a Christian while you’re acting??

Does everybody know you’re a Christian by your actions? Or does everybody think you’re a Christian while you’re acting??
I really had to write about this because this is one of those things, that I have experienced and it got me confused how men of God, in the church, outside of church can show that they were following Christ but when you get to know then, that’s not what it seems inside. They are ruthless, insecure and just covering up their ACTS in their garments. I don’t believe this is something to be proud of, and think because God will forgive us, we should continue to do it as long as we ask for forgiveness;  NO! That is NOT right. I would listen to some people preach about how God wants this and that from us, but they are doing the opposite when they are off the pulpit, who are you fooling? Because it’s definitely not God!!! Both young and old, we are fooling the people behind us and this is why some of us youth go astray because we have been told to do this, even though we know it’s not right, we think his a pastor and he told me to do it so he MUST be right. NO!! Nobody is holier than God or his words. After experiencing this, I knew it was time for me to get back into the words and continue to do what the word says rather than what any adult says. A LOT of us have been misled by our parents, pastors you name it. Can people tell the difference between what YOU BELIEVE AND HOW YOU ACT???
John 8:31-32 - So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” LISTEN AND FOLLOW the scriptures. I’m not saying Don’t listen to whatever your pastors or parents have to say to you but the minute you become confused, GO BACK TO THE WORDS!! Proverbs 3: 5- Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. There’s your confirmation, the bible didn’t tell us to lean on our parent’s words and understanding about the things we go through, we can talk to them of course but if we are still confused, PRAY, READ YOUR BIBLE, ask God to allow his will to be down in your life.
A lot of people nowadays act like Christians, I don’t know who we are trying to fool because it’s definitely not God, one way or another people will see US for who we truly are. To be honest we shouldn’t care about people seeing us, just ask yourself this question “IS God Proud of YOU?” Yeah you could be going to church daily, preaching to others but then your backbiting, talking behind people’s back, creating problems for other people just to make yourself feel superior, then your wonder why people look at you and wonder why they cannot RESPECT the fact that you’re a Christian anymore… CHECK YOURSELF
 If we are truly followers of Christ, we should be encouraging one another and working in unity. Don’t be like Mr Luke Warm… That doesn’t work with God at all, because you are NOT making him proud, you’re throwing everything he is about in the bin and twisting everything around so ASK yourself once again
Does everybody know you’re a Christian by your actions? Or does everybody think you’re a Christian why you’re acting??

Thursday, 16 August 2012

My Redeemer Livessss!!! YES HE DOES!!!

Hey Guys........ *BIG SMILE* !!!!
I'M PSYCHEDDDDDD!!!! AS IN TOO GRATEFUL TO God, For his mercies in my lifeeee and just everything really..... God is REAL GUYSSS!!!
Let me give you my little testimony... My course involves Alot of course, not Alot of exams but long story short, my teacher said everyone passed, Edexcel checked the work and they said we failed... so some people had to fix the work. instead of finishing 9units in my last year, I was doing 12!! YES 12!!! Even though I was angry about my teacher lying to everyone, I was moaning for the wrong reasons. I was not moaning  because I couldn't do it, I was complaining because I had to do it over again. So yeah that's exactly what I did... EVERYTHING ALL OVER AGAIN!!! During these times I had to make sure my Girls were doing The same. we spent Alot of time in the library, at home, and coffee was my BESTFRIEND!!! I was up till like 6am in the morning.. During these times, while I was doing my own work , I was going through a lot of issues, boyfriend issues, etc BUT God also gave me the strength and grace to support my friends and I was GLAD to!! Result day comesss and its TRIPLE A!!!!! , My friend and I were over the MOON!!!!

YOU CANNOT TELL ME God is NOT REAL!!! so many tribulations came along, but I had to do my part and also call on my father because he said in the book of Psalm 20 "The lord will hear thee in the day of trouble, the name of the God of Jacob Defend Thee! God really done it for me NOBODY ELSE!!! The strength I had to do all this came from HIM ONLY!!!! Thanking Him or giving my life to him is NOT enough!!! NOT ONLY DID I GET THE GRADES!!! I ALSO GOT A SCHOLARSHIPPPPPP!!! , Got unconditional for my firm and insurance.. The lord is Good and his mercies endureth forever...

PRAISE THE LORD!!!! "For mortals its impossible, but for God, all things are possible!!!! Don't Give Up on Your dreams!! Continue to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto YOU ALL...

God Bless
Grace Adenuga

Sunday, 12 August 2012


Why should we pray? (Act 27:17)
We as followers of Christ and children of God, should and must pray "so that we may obtain HELP in our time of need, what you are going through remember you have a HIGH priest in heaven who is hearing you, telling you to come to the throne of grace and ask for mercy so that you may get through the storm.
if you've noticed, a lot of things happen in our lives that we cannot explain but at the end of the tunnel, we are always thanking God. well let me explain why, God uses natural to explain the supernatural. you see it's all about knowing that God is enough for you, that's also where real fulfilment comes from. Real fulfilment is not what's in it for you, but what's in it for the father in heaven.

John 14: 26 - Ask the holy spirit, God wants us all to understand more than we want to because this will change our lives for the better.

Sometimes we get stuck in fear, Real fear totally shuts you down as a believer, as a follower of Christ. For you to realise that God is enough for you and i, we have to change the way we think before we can change our lives. you have to think of kindness, love, peace and positivity. you need to stop worrying WHY because if anything is going to be done? it's going to be done only by Christ and if he wants you to do anything? HE WILL TELL YOU....

God is enough and always remember He is completely in LOVE with you, more than you could ever imagine
Be Blessed

Having Faith

Put your mind to rest, God is in control. The book of Matthew6:  2527 , overall this chapter is talking about not worrying, Keyword: "Don't worry" if your maker, someone who knows you inside and out and has never gone wrong everrr! If he tells you not to worry! You need to believe that!! God has already been to that place we are going, we need to relax our mind. It is very hard when you feel like nobody understand but a lot of things we are going through right now, a lot of people have been through this in the bible. Open your bible and see what they've done about it, pray to God and ask him what he wants you to do. I know for sure God wants us to Relax, because worrying won't change anything but take our precious time in which we'll never get back.  

Matthew 15:28 Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly. 

At times, its the things we are afraid of the most that's normally our biggest fear (job 3:25) He said it himself, it was the thing he was afraid of the most that is now happening to him. Let's all keep in mind that, during our down time?  God is seriously testing our faith and how we would react when we lose the things he has given to us. When I think about it when God gives me something and then take it? Who am I to complain or nag at him? He owns me and whatever he has given to me. And he doesn't just take for no reason! He is The God of principles! There's every reason behind his actions! Sometimes we know why and sometimes we don't know. I guess that's where our faith truly comes in and we just have to believe that God is doing this For US. Whatever your going through out there, keep in mind that someone's been through it and they've survived that is why they are now giving testimonies and most importantly christ's been through it and he survived it not just because he is the only be-gotten son of christ but because he had FAITH! He knows what his father is doing. YOU CAN ALSO BE FAITHFUL and trust God! When Everyone turns against you, or abandon you! There's only one person that'll never leave your sight and that is a FACT! I've experienced it. God's love is more than HUGE! its more than enough.

 Sometimes I just really wanna hug him, just to express my love to him and to say thank you. But when we stay faithful to God, that's us showing him that we love him soooo much because we've put everything we have and do into his care and hands, and also because we have that faith that God will ALWAYS be there for us.

Believe God Loves you DEEPLY, Has a plan for your life and that his timing is always right, There is no need to ENVY Anyone... Just Have Faith
Be Blessed 

Friday, 10 August 2012

He Still Loves Me- Beyonce, Sr. of the O'Jays,Walter Williams

Heart to Heart

Hey guys.... Have you ever been through the whole phase of "why is all this happening to me?" well I do, I mean I am right now. I woke up about 20minutes ago and something just popped into my head saying "we have a Joseph situation" and I realised what that meant straight away. At some point he also wondered why all those things were happening to him but he never really gave up.
Whatever comes our way, will you continue to trust God?? Ruth is a great example in the bible, with everything that happened to her, she kept on going and going. (Ruth chapter 1 and 2). It is very hard to feel stable when everything around you feels like it's crumbling and with some of us, it's just one thing that is crumbling, then we say everything is going wrong or falling apart BUT there is one thing that will NEVER fall apart or crumble in our lives and that is God. The book of psalm 18:2 says to us "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 

Whatever your going through right now, is for your own good in a sense that you are growing more in Christ, Nobody said it would be easy but if you have Christ in your life he will always be there, no prayer goes unanswered, neither does God dismiss it but you have to be patient. Even if you don't know why everything is happening to you there's only one person that does and that is God. Things will go wrong in our lives but it always brings up a step closer to Christ, your best-friend betrays you, this will bring you closer to Christ because you learn not to trust everyone wholeheartedly but Christ. 

The book of Micah chapter 7 verse 7 says "Therefore I will look unto the lord, I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me". See?? all we have to do is WAIT! God never sleeps, because he is the air we breathe. God sees our struggle, he didn't create US to struggle, he made us for his own purpose which is to glorify his name, so remind yourself today that everything you go through? at the end of the day it is to glorify's God's name in heaven. It does get really really hard especially if you are a follower of Christ, Don't ever think God doesn't care about you, he does, His timing is not our timing but his always on time. keep busy by doing what you love, most importantly read your bible if you have one, if you don't get one. God is working you are not alone on this journey, reach out to God. Trust me on this one, if God wanted things different for you? he would have made it different so start trusting God's plan. Some of us wish God had his own (020 or 079) but here is something better, God is always around us, some people get the chance to see him, some get to feel his presence but always remember this, HE IS ALWAYS AROUND YOU!! ALWAYS!! so just imagine that, close your eyes and speak to him, you don't have to go on your knees or perform any sort of ritual, just sit down or even pretend your on the phone to him.

God is keeping you alive for a reason. DON'T let them bring you down, No matter the situation, let the holy spirit the comforter comfort you. I know it's very hard but God will not let you go, if you let God go, he will find you again, if you lose your way, he will find you AGAIN!! whatever you are going through God is there, you are made of life, DO NOT let them bring you down tell the enemy "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise, when I sit in the darkness, the lord shall a light unto me"(Micah 7:8).

if you have any queries, even if you want to speak to me on the phone? I am here...  please Don't be a stranger, I am always here
I love you all
Be Blessed
Grace Adenuga

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Check Yourself

Hello beautiful and Handsome....

It's your friend Grace, Today's topic is about"checking ourselves". it is really important for us to check ourselves, because when we are able to do this, we will know what is good for us, learn more about ourselves and most importantly we won't mislead ourselves by wrecking our own life.

When your unable to receive something you've prayed or been praying? CHECK YOURSELF!! Think about it properly, if you're asking God to show you love and you have no love in your heart to show your neighbour, how would you really know the importance of what you are asking God for or how much it means. if you've been asking God to bless you and you can't even give your last dollar or mini cash that is on you to someone that's asked you, when you pray to God don't be surprised if he doesn't answer straight-away. He is a God of principles, if you don't understand something he will make you understand whether you like it or not because we all get to a point in our lives where we have to check ourselves.

Secondly some of us, you know the ones that are saved and now want to start behaving like saints and look down on everybody else? COME BACK TO EARTH AND CHECK YOURSELF! James 4: 12 ' God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbour?', some of us really think we are doing the right thing by judging everyone or some people because they are not on your level yet, Hmmmm Hmmmm!!! That's right... LEAVE IT to God, if we are truly followers of Christ and are saved, then we should really be following what Jesus Christ is saying in the bible now shouldn't we? besides nobody likes to be judged. When you judge other people, they don't just dislike you, you also lower their self-esteem because your making them feel less important, yet Jesus himself the maker of heaven and earth did not tell US to do this. The bible says God alone, who gave the law is the ONLY judge. Moses was a great man, a VERY great man but one mistake he made was not checking himself before he spoke without really thinking, Jesus told him exactly what to say but he added his own Two Cents into the situation in which God had brought him. 

It's the little things that count, when you wreck yourself by misbehaving towards other people, remember God made everybody so down be-little others, or look down on them No matter the situation. YOU did not put them there, God did, Let God deal with them. when you don't check yourself also, you sin against God, when you judge others, call them names or hurting their feelings. sometimes we want to help our friends and family, that is understandable but everyone's still learning no matter the age, Don't think too much of yourself because you know a few chapters in the bible, then you go to other people and become ignorant and judge them because they're not like you....when Jeus came down, there was no-one like him and till today, there's nobody like JESUS! For the saved brothers and sisters, we thank God for your lives, the least you can do is try and pull people into the positive and Godly environment which you are now in. Book of Romans chapter 12 verse 19 says - Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” .... See that?? when you don't check yourself and say spiteful or negative things towards your fellow neighbours, your also doing it to God and like he said he will repay because we are all his children, nobody is excluded, saved or not saved God still LOVES US!

Followers of Christ... Check Thyself Before You Wreck Thyself....

Be Blessed 
Grace Adenuga 
Leave comments Guys and feel free to comment...

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Ask Grace


Now i may have faith to make mountains fall, but if i lack love then i am NOTHING at all, if cannot love someone's whose hurt me so much, if i cannot forgive someone for doing something bad to me etc. then I am not loving. I use to find it hard to let things go and forgive people but who am i NOT to? God forgives all my sins and keep no records of them... YES we are human and God knows that but his given us one thing that is our own way to communicate with him "PRAYER". if you do not have the strength to forgive someone who's wronged you then ask God to give you the strength to allow you to take this step. you will feel so much better after that. everything i am saying is a testimony. allowing someone to have power over you is like a sickness. when someone hurt me I sort it out in a polite manner, if we can move on past it great, if we can't I ask God to help me focus on only him and forget the worldly things.. it is very hard I know that but that's part of our lessons, always think of it this way, if God, a mighty powerful God can forgive our sins then who are we not to forgive one another???. when I remind myself of these things life becomes pretty easy for me to live. if you don't speak to someone it doesn't necessarily mean you don't love them or have love for them, sometimes people just leave things in the past and focus on themselves in Christ and there is nothing wrong with that as long as your focus is on Christ. Sometimes its hard to forgive someone who has hurts you but when you don't forgive you give that person the power over you. God forgives us all the time because of his unconditional love LEARN TO LOVE in Christ....

My brothers and sisters in Christ... I Love You all....


1 Corinthians 13:4–8a 
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...

we know what love is now, I didn't make none of it up, the scriptures backs it all up. nowadays especially us youths, we confuse lust with love of infatuation when we are in a relationship. The bible lets us know that "Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days." if your boyfriend cannot wait for marriage to have sex with you, or make love to you then BE OUT! as soon as possible. LOVE IS NOT FORNICATION OR ADULTERY! 
Jesus Christ showed us REAL LOVE by dying for us on the cross and giving up himself for the sins you and i committed... now let's not confuse ourselves i am not saying that your boyfriend must die for you, in order for you to know that he loves you (vice versa).

when we find ourselves single,both male and female, this is time the for us to focus on ourselves and on God.Matthew 22:37–39 -Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself.' Work on you first before trying to work yourself out with another human being. working on you means studying the word, continue to surround yourself with people that will help you in the glorification of the lord. let your bible be your guide and light. continue to pray for your Adam, that wherever he is God should send him to you at the appointed time.  some people see the single life as loneliness but NO! you must feel complete in Christ, when you know who you are in Christ, the love you are getting from God is enough so when God sends you your Adam the love he'd be sharing with you would just be bonus. 
if you continue to live in fear about your relationship with a man, then it is most likely the wrong relationship for you because the book of 1 John 4:18 says that "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love". 

Some of us are blessed enough to hear from God about who are husband is and so on, when things fall apart, it doesn't mean God was lying, or the spirit lied, or your dream was fake, always remember that God is WORKING ON YOU!!!! sometimes God changes the plan but his words always prevail take Moses for example: God said he would lead the Israelites to the promise land but after Moses made a mistake, his mistake was calling the children of God "rebellious rebels", he crossed the line with God because God said he had already blessed the Israelites, so when Moses put his Two cents into it he had to suffer. you see God is a God of principle, now relating it back to the relationship, if you continue to fornicate in your relationship and say because God said this that.. Don't be a fool, God will change the situation and you'd have to learn the hard way. I DID! it's not like God is punishing us, his just trying to prove a point because the minute we allow fornication into a so called "godly" relationship we allow the devil also into the relationship. God did not say in the bible that LOVE is fornication, adultery etc. but LOVE is patience love is kind, if your man or woman can do this or you can do this then KEEP GOING but don't be discouraged or lose hope in love just because one relationship didn't work out, and you really loved that person even if your both in love with Christ.. sometimes it just means that's not where God wants you to be or y'all need to separate for a reason or so. AT THE END OF THE DAY God NEVER make mistakes.... 

Be Blessed 
For Enquires: 

Grace Adenuga




As we grow older, our body changes, the way we speak changes but that is not the type of changes I am here to talk about. I am talking about spiritual changes, are we changing in the way God would want us to? or the way our boyfriend, friends, girlfriend wants??
it's not rocket science, people can change sometimes for the worse and sometimes for the better. for the better is usually hard because when you change for the better that's when the devil will lurk around even much more to put you back in the dark but God has said in the book of Isaiah 41: 31 ' He Giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increaseth strength'. so when the devil comes lurking and knocking, tell him JESUS IS HERE!!! and pray for that strength and power that the lord has promised to give unto you and I. 
when we decide to change, as children of God we have to be ready and know that it will be a bumpy read, and as I have said in my recent post the right thing is always the hardest thing to do but 'They that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint'.
There's your confirmation that when you decide to take the lord God as your master and EVERYTHING, he will be there for you throughout your struggles, your downtimes, throughout your changes he will never forsake you because it pleases the lord that we want to follow his ways, and from there he will show us his mighty powers by manifesting himself in our lives. take me for example: I've always wanted to change my ways but I was a backslider then i thought to myself, what if i don't make it past tomorrow what do I have to tell God when he asks me how i spent my life on earth?? 

God wants to help through the power of the Holy Spirit. But he has two requirements. First, accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Secondly, ask through prayer. You see prayer is our way of opening up the door to our souls to God and his Holy Spirit. It's our way of saying, "I can't figure this out. Please help me with this change, I'm not use to it."

Give up your love of a world-class car, fornication, adultery, etc and live for the love a child brings, a mother shares and a father provides.
Live for God's love.

Be Blessed
For Enquires or anything personal feel free: 

Grace Adenuga


1 Corinthians 15:33-34 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame.

Through peer pressure, most of us lose our own way, we even get much worse than the people who influenced us.

The right thing to do is always the HARDEST thing to do. But if its the right thing to do why wouldn't you do it right? yes a lot of us think this way. growing i always stood up for myself, you can't force me to do anything i don't to do but it got to a stage like while i was inn year 8 in high school, i thought it was funny to just go around swearing, i carried on doing it because everyone around me were doing the same thing. these times i knew the ten commandments yet i carried on why? because i wanted to fit in, i didn't want anyone to think i was different but that's the case though we are all different. YOU-NIQUE!! Did you catch that?? YOU(nique). as in you are your own person, as long as you continue to be you in Christ you can overcome the pressure.

At a certain stage i stopped swearing, i got teased and picked on a lot because of it but some how my spirit calmed me down and i use to just walk away, i was surprised because i was never the type to walk away, not that its a good thing. it came to a stage that two of my friends also stopped swearing and they said 'i want to be like grace' I replied I want to be like Christ, because I truly want to *smiles* .
we have to be careful also as children of God, if you know better then DO better, you knowing better shows that the light of God is in your life but those who don't are in the darkness, so you knowing better and still following their footstep will ANGER God. all we can do to support our friend is to explain and show them how life is better in the light and also pray for them. YOU DO YOUR PART...LET GO AND THEN LET God!

In the book of Matthew 16:26 God said "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"

Wouldn't you rather let people talk, make fun of you and disown you rather than God saying ' he doesn't know you? on judgement day. I definitely would sacrifice everything for God, after all he gave up his ONLY BEGOTTEN son for my sins and yours. our salvation does not lie together, you don't have to do what others do, you don't have to go to church because your friends or anyone else is forcing you.. DO IT wholeheartedly and because you want to serve God. 

'The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom' when we have the fear of God in us, we are bound to do the right thing. take prophet ELI's son READ : 1Samuel chapter 1.
God had said of Abraham, "I know ELI, he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment." Genesis 18:19. But Eli allowed his children to control him. The father became subject to the children. The curse of transgression was real in the corruption and evil that marked the course of his sons. They had no proper appreciation of the character of God or of the sacredness of His law. His service was to them a common thing. I'm not saying that prophet ELI was under pressure or it might have been so, but the fact that he knew the right thing but still didn't do it, and God looked at it in a way that, i keep giving these children chances to change but they continue to disobey me, so when both sons went to war, they were killed there....

LASTLY.... :  
Acts 5:29   - But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.
God made us, he knows what's best for US its as simple as that. man didn't make us, God did and he made us for his OWN purpose NOT man.... 

Be Blessed
Feel free to email me about anything:
Grace Adenuga 


At times, it becomes very difficult and frustrating to wait for an answer from someone let alone God but its always worth it. some of us youth especially find it so hard to have patience because we just want what we want, when we want it. 

waiting on God is you giving God total control of your situation, when you do this your letting go and letting God. we should also bare in mind that sometimes God isn't going to answer us immediately, he may answer our prayer then and there but we may not realise it because we expect the answer to be significant but that's part of the letting go process. when you let go and give God everything and he knows that you have surrendered everything into his care he will never put us to shame. THAT IS A FACT! we need to always remember that patience is the SETTLED REALITY that we are NOT in control.. God is .

For people who are finding it hard, think of it this way, who else is going to do it for you but God??? take a breather and be rest assured that the heavenly father is in control. it might take years but at the end of the day God knows what's best for US ALL. Don't Give Up On God... He Has Never Given Up On You. Everything comes Gradually at its appointed time. 

 At the end of the day we are nothing without God, his Grace is sufficient enough for us, we cannot function without God, literally I cannot stress it enough I AM NOTHING WITHOUT God.

Galatians 6:9 

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. He is a God of principle, he does not do his work half way, he will test your faith, patience. i was one of those people and sometimes i still am very impatient but i have learnt my lesson, throwing tantrums and all sorts will get me nowhere at the end of the day 'MAN PROPOSE BUT God DISPOSES' so God always has the final say. 

Romans 12:12 , Psalm 37:7-9 

when your waiting for God to answer you, don't continue to ask the same thing over and over rather just begin to thank him for what he has already done. we as children of God or followers of Christ we can gain a lot from just praising and thanking God.

with patience , believing also comes into it, there's no point praying and then you feel like God won't answer your prayers, continue to pray. a prayer less Christian is a powerless Christian

Feel free to email me if you have an enquires :

Be Blessed
Grace Adenuga 

I'm Here

Hello Beautiful and Handsome.... if you have any question, FEEL FREE to contact me

Be Blessed 
Grace Adenuga 

An Open Door

Behold i come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown- Revelation 3:11...

Let's start with the definition of a CROWN!
a crown is a sign of royalty, now gaining this crown goes back to following all the commandments that Christ has layed down for us. if one is not followed for example: Love thy neighbour as thyself let me break the news NOW! None is followed because all the commandments are pretty much linked together. breaking one means breaking all.

The crown that is being spoken about here is not just any crown, this crown is a crown of life, glory and righteousness and which was prepared for us and promised to us and would definitely be given to us IF we follow God of course. in this verse God is also warning us to be prepared so that no man take our crown, this also means that we need to be on our constant guard that in a world of temptation, where the enemies of truth abound, we may not be robbed of the crown that we might wear forever. 
There are two requirements for coming to God in order for us to gain the crown, we need to RECOGNISE who we are.... like peter we must recognise our own sinfulness then like the fishermen we must realise we cannot save ourselves. if we know that we need help, and if we know that Jesus is the only one who can help us. we will be ready to leave EVERYTHING and follow him.  Here's the truth, the crown is already there for us and waiting, all we need to do is to make sure that we do not lose our way, the right path that God has placed us in order for us to reach our destination and gain the crown

Be Blessed
Grace Adenuga

Finding My Way

Sometimes God has to take few things,  you thought were significant in your life OUT, in order for your to seek only him. after losing my way for several years, backsliding, you name it I've done. but God's Grace kept me going, God's love kept me strong. through all my bad, ungodly ways God still loved me, kept me alive because HE KNEW this day, right now, right this minute would come and I'd be doing this. I'm a bit nervous but i will write as the spirit direct. 
sometimes we human and children of God, we like to think that a place where we are at peace the most is our destination but that is not true, well in my case. The place i thought was a peaceful place for me was actually my very own wilderness. for example: looking at Moses in the bible, he lived in the palace all his life, he was cared for, loved, you name it BUT the time came when God had to remove him from this so called peaceful place and show him that he is in the wilderness. 

The process to build myself up is now, it hurts because I had to leave a lot things behind for example a relationship but God will only shake things that can be shaken and I'm grateful to God for all his doing right now. the fact that he has taken me out of the wilderness and brought me under his wings, to love me, protect me, help me, support me, i will spend all my days glorifying his name. all my sorrows are moving away, my sadness is gone. HE IS ABLE,STRONG ENOUGH TO TAKE A CHANCE ON ME!!

You see with some of us God will continue to tell us something, to show us things but we decide to ignore it, BUT when God really wants to use you, you will be hurt in the process, not for his own personal gain or whatsoever but because the almighty father wants to glorify himself in your life. 

Thank You Jesus for my chance to start again. 
Be Blessed