Friday, 24 August 2012

New Poem Called... Your Love..By yours Truly

Your Love
You see I was swimming back and forth in the world, forgot to apply his words to my life
I was moving up and down and living the dream not knowing my dreams were pushing me away from his DREAMS…
I thought my dreams were breaking God’s rules but No they were breaking my father’s heart.
Believing my sins couldn’t be washed away, refusing to believe his love was enough,
I carried my sins around but still carried on my working for Christ at church…Another spiritual infection
I struggled to believe that God loves me, but everywhere I turned he kept screaming, come to me and I will give YOU rest.
I am an imperfect person loved unconditionally by a perfect God.
What more can I ask for? So I ran and ran until I found the cross. I turned to the cross and his LOVE shouted and it’s still echoing
Praise God!!! 


  1. This poem gives me the spiritual closure I need. Nothing compares to the unconditional that our Father gives to us. Keep doing what your doing Graceyy

  2. God Bless you and Thank you for reading x
