Saturday, 4 August 2012


1 Corinthians 15:33-34 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame.

Through peer pressure, most of us lose our own way, we even get much worse than the people who influenced us.

The right thing to do is always the HARDEST thing to do. But if its the right thing to do why wouldn't you do it right? yes a lot of us think this way. growing i always stood up for myself, you can't force me to do anything i don't to do but it got to a stage like while i was inn year 8 in high school, i thought it was funny to just go around swearing, i carried on doing it because everyone around me were doing the same thing. these times i knew the ten commandments yet i carried on why? because i wanted to fit in, i didn't want anyone to think i was different but that's the case though we are all different. YOU-NIQUE!! Did you catch that?? YOU(nique). as in you are your own person, as long as you continue to be you in Christ you can overcome the pressure.

At a certain stage i stopped swearing, i got teased and picked on a lot because of it but some how my spirit calmed me down and i use to just walk away, i was surprised because i was never the type to walk away, not that its a good thing. it came to a stage that two of my friends also stopped swearing and they said 'i want to be like grace' I replied I want to be like Christ, because I truly want to *smiles* .
we have to be careful also as children of God, if you know better then DO better, you knowing better shows that the light of God is in your life but those who don't are in the darkness, so you knowing better and still following their footstep will ANGER God. all we can do to support our friend is to explain and show them how life is better in the light and also pray for them. YOU DO YOUR PART...LET GO AND THEN LET God!

In the book of Matthew 16:26 God said "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"

Wouldn't you rather let people talk, make fun of you and disown you rather than God saying ' he doesn't know you? on judgement day. I definitely would sacrifice everything for God, after all he gave up his ONLY BEGOTTEN son for my sins and yours. our salvation does not lie together, you don't have to do what others do, you don't have to go to church because your friends or anyone else is forcing you.. DO IT wholeheartedly and because you want to serve God. 

'The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom' when we have the fear of God in us, we are bound to do the right thing. take prophet ELI's son READ : 1Samuel chapter 1.
God had said of Abraham, "I know ELI, he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment." Genesis 18:19. But Eli allowed his children to control him. The father became subject to the children. The curse of transgression was real in the corruption and evil that marked the course of his sons. They had no proper appreciation of the character of God or of the sacredness of His law. His service was to them a common thing. I'm not saying that prophet ELI was under pressure or it might have been so, but the fact that he knew the right thing but still didn't do it, and God looked at it in a way that, i keep giving these children chances to change but they continue to disobey me, so when both sons went to war, they were killed there....

LASTLY.... :  
Acts 5:29   - But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.
God made us, he knows what's best for US its as simple as that. man didn't make us, God did and he made us for his OWN purpose NOT man.... 

Be Blessed
Feel free to email me about anything:
Grace Adenuga 

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