Sunday, 12 August 2012

Having Faith

Put your mind to rest, God is in control. The book of Matthew6:  2527 , overall this chapter is talking about not worrying, Keyword: "Don't worry" if your maker, someone who knows you inside and out and has never gone wrong everrr! If he tells you not to worry! You need to believe that!! God has already been to that place we are going, we need to relax our mind. It is very hard when you feel like nobody understand but a lot of things we are going through right now, a lot of people have been through this in the bible. Open your bible and see what they've done about it, pray to God and ask him what he wants you to do. I know for sure God wants us to Relax, because worrying won't change anything but take our precious time in which we'll never get back.  

Matthew 15:28 Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly. 

At times, its the things we are afraid of the most that's normally our biggest fear (job 3:25) He said it himself, it was the thing he was afraid of the most that is now happening to him. Let's all keep in mind that, during our down time?  God is seriously testing our faith and how we would react when we lose the things he has given to us. When I think about it when God gives me something and then take it? Who am I to complain or nag at him? He owns me and whatever he has given to me. And he doesn't just take for no reason! He is The God of principles! There's every reason behind his actions! Sometimes we know why and sometimes we don't know. I guess that's where our faith truly comes in and we just have to believe that God is doing this For US. Whatever your going through out there, keep in mind that someone's been through it and they've survived that is why they are now giving testimonies and most importantly christ's been through it and he survived it not just because he is the only be-gotten son of christ but because he had FAITH! He knows what his father is doing. YOU CAN ALSO BE FAITHFUL and trust God! When Everyone turns against you, or abandon you! There's only one person that'll never leave your sight and that is a FACT! I've experienced it. God's love is more than HUGE! its more than enough.

 Sometimes I just really wanna hug him, just to express my love to him and to say thank you. But when we stay faithful to God, that's us showing him that we love him soooo much because we've put everything we have and do into his care and hands, and also because we have that faith that God will ALWAYS be there for us.

Believe God Loves you DEEPLY, Has a plan for your life and that his timing is always right, There is no need to ENVY Anyone... Just Have Faith
Be Blessed 

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