Saturday, 4 August 2012



As we grow older, our body changes, the way we speak changes but that is not the type of changes I am here to talk about. I am talking about spiritual changes, are we changing in the way God would want us to? or the way our boyfriend, friends, girlfriend wants??
it's not rocket science, people can change sometimes for the worse and sometimes for the better. for the better is usually hard because when you change for the better that's when the devil will lurk around even much more to put you back in the dark but God has said in the book of Isaiah 41: 31 ' He Giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increaseth strength'. so when the devil comes lurking and knocking, tell him JESUS IS HERE!!! and pray for that strength and power that the lord has promised to give unto you and I. 
when we decide to change, as children of God we have to be ready and know that it will be a bumpy read, and as I have said in my recent post the right thing is always the hardest thing to do but 'They that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint'.
There's your confirmation that when you decide to take the lord God as your master and EVERYTHING, he will be there for you throughout your struggles, your downtimes, throughout your changes he will never forsake you because it pleases the lord that we want to follow his ways, and from there he will show us his mighty powers by manifesting himself in our lives. take me for example: I've always wanted to change my ways but I was a backslider then i thought to myself, what if i don't make it past tomorrow what do I have to tell God when he asks me how i spent my life on earth?? 

God wants to help through the power of the Holy Spirit. But he has two requirements. First, accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Secondly, ask through prayer. You see prayer is our way of opening up the door to our souls to God and his Holy Spirit. It's our way of saying, "I can't figure this out. Please help me with this change, I'm not use to it."

Give up your love of a world-class car, fornication, adultery, etc and live for the love a child brings, a mother shares and a father provides.
Live for God's love.

Be Blessed
For Enquires or anything personal feel free: 

Grace Adenuga

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