Saturday, 4 August 2012

An Open Door

Behold i come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown- Revelation 3:11...

Let's start with the definition of a CROWN!
a crown is a sign of royalty, now gaining this crown goes back to following all the commandments that Christ has layed down for us. if one is not followed for example: Love thy neighbour as thyself let me break the news NOW! None is followed because all the commandments are pretty much linked together. breaking one means breaking all.

The crown that is being spoken about here is not just any crown, this crown is a crown of life, glory and righteousness and which was prepared for us and promised to us and would definitely be given to us IF we follow God of course. in this verse God is also warning us to be prepared so that no man take our crown, this also means that we need to be on our constant guard that in a world of temptation, where the enemies of truth abound, we may not be robbed of the crown that we might wear forever. 
There are two requirements for coming to God in order for us to gain the crown, we need to RECOGNISE who we are.... like peter we must recognise our own sinfulness then like the fishermen we must realise we cannot save ourselves. if we know that we need help, and if we know that Jesus is the only one who can help us. we will be ready to leave EVERYTHING and follow him.  Here's the truth, the crown is already there for us and waiting, all we need to do is to make sure that we do not lose our way, the right path that God has placed us in order for us to reach our destination and gain the crown

Be Blessed
Grace Adenuga

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