Friday, 10 August 2012

Heart to Heart

Hey guys.... Have you ever been through the whole phase of "why is all this happening to me?" well I do, I mean I am right now. I woke up about 20minutes ago and something just popped into my head saying "we have a Joseph situation" and I realised what that meant straight away. At some point he also wondered why all those things were happening to him but he never really gave up.
Whatever comes our way, will you continue to trust God?? Ruth is a great example in the bible, with everything that happened to her, she kept on going and going. (Ruth chapter 1 and 2). It is very hard to feel stable when everything around you feels like it's crumbling and with some of us, it's just one thing that is crumbling, then we say everything is going wrong or falling apart BUT there is one thing that will NEVER fall apart or crumble in our lives and that is God. The book of psalm 18:2 says to us "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 

Whatever your going through right now, is for your own good in a sense that you are growing more in Christ, Nobody said it would be easy but if you have Christ in your life he will always be there, no prayer goes unanswered, neither does God dismiss it but you have to be patient. Even if you don't know why everything is happening to you there's only one person that does and that is God. Things will go wrong in our lives but it always brings up a step closer to Christ, your best-friend betrays you, this will bring you closer to Christ because you learn not to trust everyone wholeheartedly but Christ. 

The book of Micah chapter 7 verse 7 says "Therefore I will look unto the lord, I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me". See?? all we have to do is WAIT! God never sleeps, because he is the air we breathe. God sees our struggle, he didn't create US to struggle, he made us for his own purpose which is to glorify his name, so remind yourself today that everything you go through? at the end of the day it is to glorify's God's name in heaven. It does get really really hard especially if you are a follower of Christ, Don't ever think God doesn't care about you, he does, His timing is not our timing but his always on time. keep busy by doing what you love, most importantly read your bible if you have one, if you don't get one. God is working you are not alone on this journey, reach out to God. Trust me on this one, if God wanted things different for you? he would have made it different so start trusting God's plan. Some of us wish God had his own (020 or 079) but here is something better, God is always around us, some people get the chance to see him, some get to feel his presence but always remember this, HE IS ALWAYS AROUND YOU!! ALWAYS!! so just imagine that, close your eyes and speak to him, you don't have to go on your knees or perform any sort of ritual, just sit down or even pretend your on the phone to him.

God is keeping you alive for a reason. DON'T let them bring you down, No matter the situation, let the holy spirit the comforter comfort you. I know it's very hard but God will not let you go, if you let God go, he will find you again, if you lose your way, he will find you AGAIN!! whatever you are going through God is there, you are made of life, DO NOT let them bring you down tell the enemy "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise, when I sit in the darkness, the lord shall a light unto me"(Micah 7:8).

if you have any queries, even if you want to speak to me on the phone? I am here...  please Don't be a stranger, I am always here
I love you all
Be Blessed
Grace Adenuga

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