Saturday, 4 August 2012


At times, it becomes very difficult and frustrating to wait for an answer from someone let alone God but its always worth it. some of us youth especially find it so hard to have patience because we just want what we want, when we want it. 

waiting on God is you giving God total control of your situation, when you do this your letting go and letting God. we should also bare in mind that sometimes God isn't going to answer us immediately, he may answer our prayer then and there but we may not realise it because we expect the answer to be significant but that's part of the letting go process. when you let go and give God everything and he knows that you have surrendered everything into his care he will never put us to shame. THAT IS A FACT! we need to always remember that patience is the SETTLED REALITY that we are NOT in control.. God is .

For people who are finding it hard, think of it this way, who else is going to do it for you but God??? take a breather and be rest assured that the heavenly father is in control. it might take years but at the end of the day God knows what's best for US ALL. Don't Give Up On God... He Has Never Given Up On You. Everything comes Gradually at its appointed time. 

 At the end of the day we are nothing without God, his Grace is sufficient enough for us, we cannot function without God, literally I cannot stress it enough I AM NOTHING WITHOUT God.

Galatians 6:9 

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. He is a God of principle, he does not do his work half way, he will test your faith, patience. i was one of those people and sometimes i still am very impatient but i have learnt my lesson, throwing tantrums and all sorts will get me nowhere at the end of the day 'MAN PROPOSE BUT God DISPOSES' so God always has the final say. 

Romans 12:12 , Psalm 37:7-9 

when your waiting for God to answer you, don't continue to ask the same thing over and over rather just begin to thank him for what he has already done. we as children of God or followers of Christ we can gain a lot from just praising and thanking God.

with patience , believing also comes into it, there's no point praying and then you feel like God won't answer your prayers, continue to pray. a prayer less Christian is a powerless Christian

Feel free to email me if you have an enquires :

Be Blessed
Grace Adenuga 

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