Saturday, 4 August 2012


Now i may have faith to make mountains fall, but if i lack love then i am NOTHING at all, if cannot love someone's whose hurt me so much, if i cannot forgive someone for doing something bad to me etc. then I am not loving. I use to find it hard to let things go and forgive people but who am i NOT to? God forgives all my sins and keep no records of them... YES we are human and God knows that but his given us one thing that is our own way to communicate with him "PRAYER". if you do not have the strength to forgive someone who's wronged you then ask God to give you the strength to allow you to take this step. you will feel so much better after that. everything i am saying is a testimony. allowing someone to have power over you is like a sickness. when someone hurt me I sort it out in a polite manner, if we can move on past it great, if we can't I ask God to help me focus on only him and forget the worldly things.. it is very hard I know that but that's part of our lessons, always think of it this way, if God, a mighty powerful God can forgive our sins then who are we not to forgive one another???. when I remind myself of these things life becomes pretty easy for me to live. if you don't speak to someone it doesn't necessarily mean you don't love them or have love for them, sometimes people just leave things in the past and focus on themselves in Christ and there is nothing wrong with that as long as your focus is on Christ. Sometimes its hard to forgive someone who has hurts you but when you don't forgive you give that person the power over you. God forgives us all the time because of his unconditional love LEARN TO LOVE in Christ....

My brothers and sisters in Christ... I Love You all....

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