Sunday, 5 August 2012

Check Yourself

Hello beautiful and Handsome....

It's your friend Grace, Today's topic is about"checking ourselves". it is really important for us to check ourselves, because when we are able to do this, we will know what is good for us, learn more about ourselves and most importantly we won't mislead ourselves by wrecking our own life.

When your unable to receive something you've prayed or been praying? CHECK YOURSELF!! Think about it properly, if you're asking God to show you love and you have no love in your heart to show your neighbour, how would you really know the importance of what you are asking God for or how much it means. if you've been asking God to bless you and you can't even give your last dollar or mini cash that is on you to someone that's asked you, when you pray to God don't be surprised if he doesn't answer straight-away. He is a God of principles, if you don't understand something he will make you understand whether you like it or not because we all get to a point in our lives where we have to check ourselves.

Secondly some of us, you know the ones that are saved and now want to start behaving like saints and look down on everybody else? COME BACK TO EARTH AND CHECK YOURSELF! James 4: 12 ' God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbour?', some of us really think we are doing the right thing by judging everyone or some people because they are not on your level yet, Hmmmm Hmmmm!!! That's right... LEAVE IT to God, if we are truly followers of Christ and are saved, then we should really be following what Jesus Christ is saying in the bible now shouldn't we? besides nobody likes to be judged. When you judge other people, they don't just dislike you, you also lower their self-esteem because your making them feel less important, yet Jesus himself the maker of heaven and earth did not tell US to do this. The bible says God alone, who gave the law is the ONLY judge. Moses was a great man, a VERY great man but one mistake he made was not checking himself before he spoke without really thinking, Jesus told him exactly what to say but he added his own Two Cents into the situation in which God had brought him. 

It's the little things that count, when you wreck yourself by misbehaving towards other people, remember God made everybody so down be-little others, or look down on them No matter the situation. YOU did not put them there, God did, Let God deal with them. when you don't check yourself also, you sin against God, when you judge others, call them names or hurting their feelings. sometimes we want to help our friends and family, that is understandable but everyone's still learning no matter the age, Don't think too much of yourself because you know a few chapters in the bible, then you go to other people and become ignorant and judge them because they're not like you....when Jeus came down, there was no-one like him and till today, there's nobody like JESUS! For the saved brothers and sisters, we thank God for your lives, the least you can do is try and pull people into the positive and Godly environment which you are now in. Book of Romans chapter 12 verse 19 says - Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” .... See that?? when you don't check yourself and say spiteful or negative things towards your fellow neighbours, your also doing it to God and like he said he will repay because we are all his children, nobody is excluded, saved or not saved God still LOVES US!

Followers of Christ... Check Thyself Before You Wreck Thyself....

Be Blessed 
Grace Adenuga 
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