Sunday, 12 August 2012


Why should we pray? (Act 27:17)
We as followers of Christ and children of God, should and must pray "so that we may obtain HELP in our time of need, what you are going through remember you have a HIGH priest in heaven who is hearing you, telling you to come to the throne of grace and ask for mercy so that you may get through the storm.
if you've noticed, a lot of things happen in our lives that we cannot explain but at the end of the tunnel, we are always thanking God. well let me explain why, God uses natural to explain the supernatural. you see it's all about knowing that God is enough for you, that's also where real fulfilment comes from. Real fulfilment is not what's in it for you, but what's in it for the father in heaven.

John 14: 26 - Ask the holy spirit, God wants us all to understand more than we want to because this will change our lives for the better.

Sometimes we get stuck in fear, Real fear totally shuts you down as a believer, as a follower of Christ. For you to realise that God is enough for you and i, we have to change the way we think before we can change our lives. you have to think of kindness, love, peace and positivity. you need to stop worrying WHY because if anything is going to be done? it's going to be done only by Christ and if he wants you to do anything? HE WILL TELL YOU....

God is enough and always remember He is completely in LOVE with you, more than you could ever imagine
Be Blessed

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