Saturday, 18 August 2012

Does everybody know you’re a Christian by your actions? Or does everybody think you’re a Christian while you’re acting??

Does everybody know you’re a Christian by your actions? Or does everybody think you’re a Christian while you’re acting??
I really had to write about this because this is one of those things, that I have experienced and it got me confused how men of God, in the church, outside of church can show that they were following Christ but when you get to know then, that’s not what it seems inside. They are ruthless, insecure and just covering up their ACTS in their garments. I don’t believe this is something to be proud of, and think because God will forgive us, we should continue to do it as long as we ask for forgiveness;  NO! That is NOT right. I would listen to some people preach about how God wants this and that from us, but they are doing the opposite when they are off the pulpit, who are you fooling? Because it’s definitely not God!!! Both young and old, we are fooling the people behind us and this is why some of us youth go astray because we have been told to do this, even though we know it’s not right, we think his a pastor and he told me to do it so he MUST be right. NO!! Nobody is holier than God or his words. After experiencing this, I knew it was time for me to get back into the words and continue to do what the word says rather than what any adult says. A LOT of us have been misled by our parents, pastors you name it. Can people tell the difference between what YOU BELIEVE AND HOW YOU ACT???
John 8:31-32 - So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” LISTEN AND FOLLOW the scriptures. I’m not saying Don’t listen to whatever your pastors or parents have to say to you but the minute you become confused, GO BACK TO THE WORDS!! Proverbs 3: 5- Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. There’s your confirmation, the bible didn’t tell us to lean on our parent’s words and understanding about the things we go through, we can talk to them of course but if we are still confused, PRAY, READ YOUR BIBLE, ask God to allow his will to be down in your life.
A lot of people nowadays act like Christians, I don’t know who we are trying to fool because it’s definitely not God, one way or another people will see US for who we truly are. To be honest we shouldn’t care about people seeing us, just ask yourself this question “IS God Proud of YOU?” Yeah you could be going to church daily, preaching to others but then your backbiting, talking behind people’s back, creating problems for other people just to make yourself feel superior, then your wonder why people look at you and wonder why they cannot RESPECT the fact that you’re a Christian anymore… CHECK YOURSELF
 If we are truly followers of Christ, we should be encouraging one another and working in unity. Don’t be like Mr Luke Warm… That doesn’t work with God at all, because you are NOT making him proud, you’re throwing everything he is about in the bin and twisting everything around so ASK yourself once again
Does everybody know you’re a Christian by your actions? Or does everybody think you’re a Christian why you’re acting??

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